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三年级英语教案设计备课《What color is this》

时间:2014-07-22 09:15:12

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Teaching Plan for the Vocabulary and target in Unit 2 Colors
Given by: Wang Bingya
Shenglong Primary School
Textbooks: Friends with English Book 3 (student’s book) Students: Grade Three
I. Teaching objectives:
1. Knowledge aims:
Vocabulary: red yellow blue pink green orange purple brown
Language structure:
⑴. What color is this? It’s orange.
⑵. Look, it’s an apple. It’s red.
2. Language skills: Students are able to use “What color is this? It’s …” to ask and answer.
3. Emotion aims: Let the students find that life is colorful, told students to love life
4. Culture aims: Students are aware of the fact that Written English can be very beautiful.
5. Learning strategies: Students are willing to co-operate and learn as a team. Students can find problems and try to solve it.

Difficult points: 1. Students are able to write the new words correctly.
2. Students are able to use “What color is this/it? It’s …” make dialogs.

II. Teaching Strategies:
1.Object teaching method: The teacher use the things that can be seen everywhere in the life.
2. Task-based method: The teacher sets up teaching steps based on information gaps, urging the students to listen, read, think and experiment.
3. Communicative method: The teacher sets up games and activities are based on the students can dentify colors.
III. Teaching preparation:
1. Picture Cards
2. Paints, A number of plastic cups, One paper cup.
IV. Period: 1 period
Teaching Procedures Teaching Steps Aims
1. Lead-in 1.Sing a song Colors 1. Let students experience the colorful color in life
2. Presentation 1. Show a carrot and an apple. Present the words orange, red and the structure What color is this? It’s …. Listen to the pictures in target language.
2. Present the words yellow. Let the students Listen and repeat after the computer. Let the students write yellow twice。
3. Present the words blue green pink.
4. Games on purple and brown.

5. Play a Bomb game on the vocabulary. Play a guessing game on the vocabulary.
6. Read the vocabulary and target language.
1. Teach the vocabulary and target. Students can intuitive understanding

2. Let the student learn the words quickly that had learned on Grade two.
3. Teaching in the same way.
4. More time on the words with difficult pronunciation.
5. More time on the vocabulary, prepare for the following step.
6. Prepare for the practice.

3.Practice Listen and number. Through the practice to consolidate the words

4.Game 1. Sing the song “red yellow blue and green”.

2.<Passing the card>

3. Look at the picture , ask and answer.

4. Mixed colors 1. Through the song to consolidate the words and the structure.
2. Let the students feel the joy of learning English
3. Let the students feel that we live in a beautiful world.
4. Raises student's exploration spirit
5.Consolation 1. What did we learn?
2. Tell student life is colorful. 1. Help students inductive.
2. Let the student understand we will keep happy.
6. Homework 1. Copy the new words 8 times.
2. Draw a picture.
3. Mix colors. 1.More time to review
2. and 3. Raises student's exploration spirit
V. Blackboard design

Unit 2 Colors
What color is this?

orange red


Unit 2 Colors
一. Warm-up
(1) Free talk
T: How are you today?
S: I am fine.
(2)Listen a song and sing
T: Do you like English song?
S: Yes.
T: OK. Now, let’s enjoy a song. (Red, yellow, blue and green)
(3)Showing the color cards
T: What color is this? (Hold up a color card)
S: It’s red.
(4)Review the Target (Role playing)

二. Presentation
(1)Watching the video a time.
(2)Students follow the video and read the sentence.
(3)Students follow the teacher to read the story.

三. Practice
(1) Four students in a group to read the sentences by themselves.
(2) Teacher invites some groups to show their conversations.
(3) Diving three groups to practice the conversation.
(4) Listening the music and passing the thing.
(The whole class asks one student: What color is this?
Teacher hold up a color card. And that student should answer)

四. Activity
(1) Fishing the exercise (Matching) in the book. Page 17
(2) Play a game ( I say, you act )
Teacher gives students some directions. The students should react it.
(T:Yellow fish,yellow fish,please stand up.)

五. Writing practice
(1) Make the conclusion, and write down the sentences on the blackboard.
(2) Taking out a piece of paper, students should imitate the sentences and write it probably.
(3) Teacher shows some good writing papers written by students and emphasizes the standard writing about the sentences.


I Objectives:
Teaching contents:
Alphabet: p y r
Words: yellow/you/red/read/pink/pencil
Teaching aims:
1 ,Aims of knowledge: Enable the Ss know the pronunciation of the alphabets and their sounds in the words.
2, Aims of ability: Enable the Ss to read the example words correctly.
3,Aims of emotion: Enable the Ss to love English learning through chant..
II Key point: Pronunciation: The alphabets and the words.
III difficult point: The sounds of the alphabets and the words.
IV Teaching aids
Flashcards, Computer, Cards
V Teaching strategy: task-based method, the communication method and the cooperative learning method
VI Teaching flow chart:

Teaching Procedure Teaching aims
1. Warm up and review
(1). Free talk
(2).Sing the color song To warm Ss up and review the old words and sentences learnt in these unit
2. Presentation
(1) Show a bag to guess the colors.
(2) Do the activity 2.
(3) Play a game.
(4)Show a story. Have Ss look at the alphabet letters in the story. Let Ss learn the sounds and words.
(5) Look and repeat: Repeat the sounds and words To make sure that the Ss learn the words.
Game can prouse the Ss’s intresting.
To make the Ss can recognize the alphabets correctly.
Let the Ss understand the sounds of the alphabets in the words.
3. Consolidation
(1) Have the Ss look at the words about the handwriting.
(2) Look and write. To train the students’ ability in handwriting and the spoken language.
Let the Ss understand the sounds of the alphabet in the words.
4. Extension
(1) Have the Ss to think about other more words of the sounds.
(2) On a sheet of paper, have Ss write down the sounds and words. Show the beautiful handwriting for Ss.
(3) Have Ss copy the story and share their handwriting with the partners.
Share the creative thinking
To train the students’ ability spoken language.

Share their beautiful handwriting.
Today we’ve learnt the 3 alphabets and 6 words. And we can handwrite beartiful words and the passage. To consolidate the key points.
6. Homework
1. Find more words which the first letter is p, y and r.
2. Color the rainbow.
3.Copy the words and share the handwriting. To develop the Ss’ thinking skills.
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