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时间:2019-01-21 12:25:53



Step 1 Warm up 热身


2 .to sing a song finger family

T: Do you like to sing a song?

Ss: Yes.

Ask students to sing the song together
Step2. Presentation

1.to introduce “hat, pen” to the students by using a hat that is filled with pens…

Hat (new word)

T: Now, look, what’s this?

Ss: A hat.

T: Yes, it’s a hat.

(1)to teach the word “hat”

Let students read the word as they touch the hat.

T: There is something in my hat. Can you guess what they are?(Put the pen under the hat on purpose)

Ss: Pen, pencil, ruler…

(After the students’ guessing)

T: Oh, where’s my pen?

Ss: It’s under the hat.

2. To teach “where’s my pen?It’s under my hat.”

Where’s my pen?

It’s under my hat.

T: Where’s my pen, now?

Ss: It’s under the hat.

3. To teach “Where’s my hat? It’s on my hat.”

Use the same way to teach “It’s in my hat.”

Play the radio and let them read after the radio.

4. To learn the text

Read the text together. Let four groups have a train game. Read it one by one.

5 .games

(1) To play the first game to enhance their memorizing of “in, on, under”

T: Do you like games?

Ss: Yes.

T: Now, let’s play a game.

(2) to have a rest by doing exercise “up and down”

(3) to play the second game to practice the text

T: Now class, we will play the louder game. Do you like it?

Ss: Yes.

T: Ok, let’s begin. Who wants to have a try?

(To hide a pen in a student’s hat)

Ss: Where’s my pen? Where’s my pen?

Step3 Practice

To divide the students into four groups to read the text by having a competition

Step4 Check-up

To finish two exercises: One is finished together by the teachers and the students; the other is finished by the students themselves.

Step5 Summary

What we have learned this class? What they should master after the learning?

Step6 Homework

To read the text skillfully and try to recite

To practice part 3 with their parents

二、 设计说明

(一)话题 小学新标准英语第一册Module 10 Unit1 “Where’s my pen?”(二)课题 本课的教学内容方位与学生日常生活密切联系。教学重点是掌握三个方位词 “in, on, under”

(三)课时说明: 本案例是第十模块第一单元的第一课时。本模块是整册书的最后学习内容,学生在前面已经学习了文具等内容。因此,这节课的教学任务是如何在学习新知识的基础上,拓展和利用所学的旧知识,真正达到学以致用。



课题名称:Module 10 Unit1 “Where’s my pen?”

Teaching materials: 教材分析

This lesson is taken from New Standard English for primary school students, which includes three parts as listen, point and find “in, on, under”, listen and say, practice. In part 1, it mainly deals with the dialogue about “where’s my pen?”  In part two, it is the extending of part 1. While the third part focuses on the practice.

Teaching aims: 教学目标

Knowledge aims: 知识目标

1 .To enable the students to master the new words and the sentence pattern.

2. To let them understand the text and use them in real situations.

Ability aims: 能力目标

to cultivate their ability of distinguishing the positions “in, on, under”

Emotional aims: 情感目标

    to foster the students’ interest of learning English.

Teaching methods: 教学方法

In this lesson, I mainly use such teaching methods as Task-based Language Teaching Method and Communicative Teaching Method.在本节课中主要运用任务型教学和小组合作教学,充分体现学生的主体地位。剪子包袱锤的游戏和寻找物品的游戏充分体现了学生的主体地位;而分组朗读课文则充分体现了学生的合作意识。

The difficult and important points: 教学重难点

The difficult points are the use of the sentence to speak in daily life; while the important points are the mastering of the new words and sentences.教学重点主要是让学生能够在日常生活中灵活运用所学英语句子;而难点则是课文单词及句型的学习。

The teaching procedures: 教学过程

Step1 Warm-up 热身In this step, I use a song “Finger Family” related with this lesson. This step is employed to foster the students’ interest of learning English.


Step2 Presentation 呈现和操练

1. to play a song to introduce the word “where’s”

Let them sing the song finger family, and guess the meaning of the word “where’s” ,通过歌词引入本节重点单词 “where’s”

2. to introduce the new word “hat” and the text by showing a hat filled with pens, pencils…Let them watch the hat that I prepared to master the word “hat”. Then let them guess the things in my hat. The proposing of this process is to review the words that we have learned and introduce the text.

通过向学生展示自制魔术冒,教授新单词 “hat”,通过让学生猜测帽子里装的东西复习以前学过文具的单词,新旧知识结合。同时引出本课课文。

3. to learn the text.

Let the students learn to read this text by listening to the tape and read after it.让学生听录音并跟读,学习课文。

4. to play a game to enhance their memorizing of “in, on, under”


5. to have a rest


6. to play the louder game to enhance their understanding of the text


Step3 Practice 练习

To divide the students into four groups to read the text by having a competition 通过分组的竞赛的形式让学生朗读课文,获胜的小组奖励他们一颗星星。

Step4 Check-up 检测

To finish two exercises: One is finished together by the teachers and the students; the other is finished by the students themselves. 练习一以课件的形式展示,师生共同完成,主要是针对课文第一部分而设计,练习二以学案的形式,让学生连线(图片与句子连线),本练习把知识扩展到课文第二部分,学生独立完成后,同桌互相检查,最后师生通过课件共同检查。

Step5 Summary 总结

What we have learned this class? What they should master after the learning? 总结本节课所学重要知识。

Step6 Homework 课后作业

To read the text skillfully and try to recite

To practice part 3 with their parents熟练朗读课文,争取背诵;和父母一起玩练习三的游戏,Step7 Blackboard design 板书设计

I divide the blackboard into two parts. One part is used to write the main points of the text; the other part is used to show the ppt to the students.     把黑板分成两部分,左边板书课文及重要单词,右边向学生展示课件。

四、Self-reflection 教学反思.


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