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牛津译林苏教版五年级上册5A Unit3 Our animal friends一课多磨教案和反思

时间:2015-04-23 20:40:27

《牛津译林苏教版五年级上册5A Unit3 Our animal friends一课多磨教案和反思》可能是您在寻找小学英语教学论文随笔过程中需要的内容,欢迎参考阅读!

教学目标:1.能理解文章内容,用正确的语音语调朗读短文,并初步复述。2. 正确运用日常交际用语I have animal friends. It’s/They’re …. It/They can .... It        has/They have ….

3. 能正确的听、说、读 单词:animal, leg, body, arm, other, tail, wing.

4. 通过学习培养学生对动物的热爱。



2.会说会读单词:animal, leg, body, arm, other, tail, wing.


多媒体课件, 课文光盘


一、Teaching procedures

Step1 warming-up

(1)   Name card

T: Look, this is my name card. My name is Miss Dai, I can sing and dance, I like animals. One is a cat, and the other is a dog. (Teach: one … the other….)

(2)   Introduce my animal friends

T: This is my animal friend “Joyce”. What do you think about her?

S1: She is fat. S2: She is white. ….

T: Yes. Let’s read together.

T: This is another animal friend “Luck”. What do you think about her?

S1: He is brown. ….

T: Let’s look at the screen. Read it together.

(Teach leg, tail板书)

T: Today, we will learn about our animal friends.(揭题)

Step2 presentation

(1)   T: Look, what’s this?

S: It’s a book.

T: Yes, it’s a picture book. Let’s open it. Wow, so many animal friends! What’s this?

S: It’s a body. (Teach body板书)

T: What’s that?

S: It’s a tail.

T: Can you spell it?

S: T-a-i-l.

T: What’s this? ( Teach wing, leg, arm板书)

(2)   Watch and match

T: What animal friends do they have? Let’s watch the cartoon and do a match.

What animal friends does Nancy have?

S: She has two fish.

T: What animal friends does Liu Tao have?

S: He has a rabbit. ( Teach rabbit板书)

T: What animal friends does Mike have?

S: He has a dog.

T: What about Su Hai?

S: She has a parrot.

(3)   Learn part
①  Learn and circle.

T: What animals can you hear?

S: Fish.

② Read and choose

T: Now, let’s read part one and make a choice.

They have big (eyes/ears)and big (bodies/wings). They have no (legs/hands) or (arms/head).But they have big (tails/wings).They can(swim/run).

(4)   Learn part 2

①  Look and say

T: Look at the picture. This is Mike’s animal friend. Can you look at the picture and fill in the blanks?

I have an animal friend. It is white. It has four legs and a short tail. It has big ears. It can_ run and jump.

T: let’s read together.

(5)   Learn part3

①  Read and choose

T: Do you know about Liu Tao’s animal friend? Let’s read the short passage and try to guess.

My animal friend is white. It has red eyes and long ears. It has four legs and a short tail. It can run.

Ss: It’s a rabbit.

②  Listen and repeat

T: Yes, let’s try to listen and repeat the short passage. Listen the first sentence carefully.

S1: My animal friend is white.

S2: It has red eyes and long ears.

S3: It has four legs and a short tail.

S4: It can run.

(6)   Learn part4

①  Read and guess

T: What about Su Hai’s animal friend. I want one student to read the riddle and other students try to guess what it is.

S: My animal friend is yellow and green. It has two legs and two wings(翅膀).It has a big mouth and a long tail. It can talk and fly.

Ss: It’s a parrot.

②  Listen and repeat

S1: My animal friend is yellow and green.

S2: It has two legs and two wings.

S3: It has a big mouth and a long tail.

S4: It can talk and fly.

Step 3 Consolidation

(1)   Let’s talk

T: Work in the groups of four, choose your favorite animal, and then describe it. After that, you should finish p28. Do you understand?

Ss: Yes.

T: Ok, let’s begin.

Nancy’s fish have big eyes_, bodies, and tails_.

Liu Tao’s rabbit has long ears and a short tail.

Mike’s dog has big ears and a short tail.

Su Hai’s parrot has a big mouth ,a long tail, two legs and two wings.

(2)   Animals are our good friends!

T: (出示各种动物图片) Are they lovely? Do you like them?

Ss: Yes.

T: They are ou good friends, so we should protect them!

(3)   Write a passage

T: Now, let’s look at the whole passage. Do you know how to describe an animal?

You can speak in Chinese.

S1: 可以先写颜色。


S3: 最后写动物可以做什么。

T: We can first describe the whole impression(总体印象),then the appearances(外貌细节), and finally the abilities(能力爱好)。

T: Look at the screen, what’s animal?

S: It’s a monkey.

T: Yes, do you know how to describe the monkey? This is a model, let’s read together.

Now, it’s your time to describe an animal. You can write on your note book.

Step4 Homework

必做: 1.Read story time three times and try to recite.(朗读课文三遍,并尝试背诵)2. Write a passage about your animal friend.(尝试写一篇关于你的动物朋友的小短文,准备下节课交流,写在自备本上。)

选做:1. 和同学通电话描述动物,互相猜猜看!

      2. 自己查字典和运用网络,还能知道动物的哪些部位名称。

Step5 Blackboard design

Unit3 Our animal friends

leg        arm

tail       rabbit

body     wing



这节课下来,学生基本掌握了课文内容,但对于学生读的练习较少,有些基础差些的同学不能够完全的准确朗读。在教授课文时,教师加入了一个听力的练习,但让学生训练的时间太少了,听力对于学生来说还是比较难的,有些听力好的同学可以听读,但是听力差的同学可能需要多听几次才能听明白,教师没有多加的练习,而是听一遍为止。这对于一些听力差的同学可能起不到训练的作用。因此,可以在课上多听几遍,多让几个学生来回答,训练效果会好很多。另外,对于知识点的讲解比较缺乏,都是一闪而过,学生很难完全去掌握重难点。例如:one….the other…,这一个词组对于学生来说是新学的词组,所以需要适当的讲解。句型:It has/They have …也是本单元的一个重点句型,三单的形式对于学生来说是一个容易错的地方,因此教师应该重点强调。在最后的一个写作练习中,教师讲解的太少了,有些同学可能完全不知道该怎么写。因此,可以先通过一个动物,来集体描述一下,应该怎么样去描写。然后多举几个例子,多加练习,渗透这一写作方法,以及句型:I have animal friends. It’s/They’re …. It/They can ....。最后,再让学生来写,学生就会熟练很多,碰到不同的动物也可以迎刃而解。从这一节课的整体来说,缺少一个突出重点。教师可以突出一个重点,比如说可以突出写作的训练,可以多分出一些时间给学生来进行的训练。

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